Social Media Usage

About Us

The Ferro-grad C® Facebook and Instagram Channel are for people who reside in Australia.

Our mission is to be a meaningful and relevant source of information to help women take ownership of their iron needs. Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing tiredness and fatigue, which may be symptoms of iron deficiency.1

Adverse event reporting

Should you experience an adverse event in relation to Ferro-grad C® or another Viatris product, we encourage you to report this to Viatris.

For Medical Information enquiries in Australia or to report an Adverse Event for one of our products please email

For general enquiries in Australia, including purchase and delivery, please contact Customer Service at or call 1800 274 276

If you reside outside Australia please click here

Reference: 1. Ferro-grad C® Product Label


For use when iron deficiency has been diagnosed by your doctor and a therapeutic oral iron supplement is recommended.

Ferro-Grad C contains ferrous sulfate 325 mg (equivalent to 105 mg of elemental iron) and sodium ascorbate 562.4 mg (equivalent to vitamin C 500 mg). For the prevention & treatment of tiredness & fatigue, associated with iron deficiency.

The Ferro-grad® range is marketed in Australia by Mylan Health Pty Ltd (ABN 29 601 608 771) of Level 1, 30 The Bond, 30-34 Hickson Road, Millers Point, NSW 2000, Australia. Ph: 1800 314 527. Ferro-grad and Ferro-grad C are Viatris company trademarks.

Copyright© 2020 Viatris Inc. All rights reserved. November 2020.

Ferro-grad C® Social Media House Rules

Thanks for joining us. Here are a few things we want you to know. We’ve set up our social media channels to share inspiration, motivation and ideas to help you navigate your experience around iron efficiency with Ferro-Grad C®. We want to get your thoughts on our updates, but sometimes we must remove comments. We don’t like doing it but below are the reasons why:

1. Your comment references a product (ours or someone else’s)

While we do not endorse any user’s comments other than our own, we still have to be mindful of the important regulations that govern our industry. If your post references a pharmaceutical brand or related product or treatment from any company – positive or negative – we will need to remove it.

2. Your comment references a side effect or special-use situation

If your comment includes possible side effects or special-use situation associated with a Viatris product, we may contact you for further information and to seek your permission to contact your healthcare provider. If you have any questions about your treatment or condition, please contact your healthcare provider directly.

3. Your comment contains vulgarity, bullying, harassment or defamation of character

If you use profane language, your post will not be published (and it might be screened by Facebook’s profanity filter before being posted in the first place). In addition to vulgar language, we’ll be screening for personal attacks of any kind or offensive terms that target specific ethnic, racial, religious, age or sexual orientation groups. We ask that everyone treat each other with respect.

4. Your comment contains medical advice

It’s great to want to provide help to the community but given the serious implications unsolicited and unverified medical advice might have, we can’t allow it on our timeline or page. As always, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider on any medical condition.

5. Your comment is off-topic

This can be a tricky one: we’re not looking to censor you, but sometimes comments are spam, are clearly off topic, make unsupported accusations or promote services or products. If you feel we’ve been unfair in removing your comment, let us know.

6. Your comment is an infringement

If your comment infringes another’s intellectual property, including copyright and trademarks, we will have to pull it.

7. Your comment is too personal

We know Social Media is all about sharing, but any oversharing or posts that contain personal information, including names of individuals, addresses, email addresses and/or phone numbers will be removed.

8. Your comment is commercial in nature

If your comment is commercial in nature, such as sales pitches for products and services or offers to sell products or services or contains any links to external or third-party web pages, it will not be published.

9. Just in case

There is a chance we’ll encounter a situation not outlined above, which will require us to not publish your comment. We’ll try to update this list if we do find a new reason, but please know that Viatris on behalf of Ferro-Grad C® reserves the right to delete, hide or filter any and all posts at its discretion. Of course, if this does happen and you feel it is unfair, please drop us a line so we can talk about it.

10. Privacy

We respect your privacy and have created a Privacy Policy that explains your rights and responsibilities regarding personal information disclosed on this page. To read our Privacy Policy, please click here . We may be engaging a third-party service provider to help us manage our community and posts, which means that they too will have access to any personal information you share with us. Our third-party service providers are contractually bound to ensure adequate protection and security of your personal information.

11. Requests for medical advice

We are unable to provide medical advice on your specific situation or circumstances. All requests for medical advice must be referred to your healthcare professional who is best able to provide individualised advice that caters to your specific needs. We are able only to provide general information about our products and their associated diseases or conditions.

12. Urgent responses

We are unable to accommodate urgent requests for information. If you have a medical emergency, please do not comment or phone us. Call triple zero (000) or go to your doctor or hospital emergency department immediately.

13. Australia only

This social media channel is intended only for people who reside in Australia. We are unable to respond to enquiries from people in other countries.